“What is that” you might ask, well it’s buying second hand so basically it’s buying what people have donated and given to thrift stores. I know many of you may be thinking, ” Oh, that’s gross, but really, not every piece of clothing is inspected. That’s not the only great thing about thrift shopping, there is much much more to it. Such as being able to find name-brand clothes for cheap but I guess that’s if you’re lucky in my personal experience I have found a Forever 21 sweater for only 2$ that was originally 38$. Things like this happen all the time with thrift shopping. You can find great clothes for half or even lower than that price.

A great quality about thrift shopping is that it’s much better for the environment because fast fashion can be harmful to the environment and buying second-hand clothes can help the environment because it’s better to buy what’s already been made. Most clothes go to landfills and when donating the clothes to places like Goodwill can make someone else happy with the clothes you no longer find useful to you.
One of the many great places we would recommend is a thrift store called ‘Salvation Army’ and ‘Goodwill’. They carry a wide variety of very organized clothes with great deals daily. This specific thrift store has color tag deals, so each day the store puts out a variety of items in one color at the front of the store and each tag of that color is 25-50% off for the day. This store carries many name brand clothes such as shein.

Another great thing about thrift shopping is that most thrift stores carry more than just clothes. A lot of thrift stores carry lots and lots of supplies. This can be great for back-to-school shopping because you can get lots more clothes for cheaper and lots of your supplies for school. Due to the low pricing on the clothes you can get lots more than if you went to actual stores so for back to school you can get a whole new wardrobe. Also because most people like to wear clothes no one else has, when going to thrift stores people will more likely not have the clothes you buy at the thrift store because these clothes can be from stores that are out of location.
Another great reason for thrifting is flipping clothes. Flipping clothes is for example if you find something and it is perfect but too big or too small you can change it to your size and liking.